Monday, February 22, 2010

Bucks For MY Baby

My sweet, sweet, amazing, wonderful, kind sister-in-law has created a blog for my dear friends to follow our awesome, fun, injection-filled fertility journey. You can follow it here.

And I really do have a lot of good intentions when it comes to being a better blogger. Seriously. LOTS of good intentions. So many, in fact, you could...I don't know - pave a road with these good intentions! Now...where would this road be heading....


asiaelizabeth said...
2:07 PM  

I love you Susan and it hurts me that so much hurts you. I hate the needles for you and they better work! I am sending you sticky baby dust that it all works and the baby(babies) stick!

{Brittany} said...
1:29 PM  

I found your blog while looking for "sports cupcakes." I'm making some this weekend for my sons birthday. I just wanted to say hello and let you know I was checking out your blog. I have a rule that I can't check out a blog without leaving a comment. I love knowing the people that are out there checking out my blog. You have lots of great ideas and insights. Good luck with your fertility quest!

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